5 Reasons Why You NEED TO Do a Boudoir Photo Shoot Right now!


So you’ve heard of a “Boudoir Session” before but what exactly is it? A boudoir session is an EMPOWERING, sexy photography session where you wear cute lingerie, sexy outfits, or even go scantily clad to get your photos taken! No need to wait until you lose that last, 5, 10 or 15 pounds, a good photographer will know how to pose you, so you’ll always look your best! These session are empowering and fun but can be intimidating so here are 5 reasons you NEED to do a boudoir session in 2019!

  1. Celebrate How Awesome You Are!

Every women deserves to celebrate how amazing they are! A luxury boudoir photography session is a great way to celebrate you! You’ll have a day of looking and feeling amazing and will want to spend the night out o the town after your shoot to continue celebrating your awesomeness!

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2. Capture a Special Moment

Maybe you are getting married or you’re newly single and celebrating a new beginning! Maybe you just hit your goal weight and want to celebrate all the hard work you put in! Whatever it is you are celebrating a luxury boudoir shoot is a great way to do that!

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3. Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship

Some sexy photos for your significant other is an AMAZING surprise and an awesome way to light some sparks in your relationship!

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4. Feel Empowered

A boudoir shoot is a very empowering experience. It takes a lot of confidence to do a boudoir shoot, even if you don’t ever show anyone your photos, believe me though, you’ll want to when you realize how AMAZING you look!


5. Feel Sexy

If you don’t leave your boudoir shoot feeling sexy then I haven’t done my job! A luxury boudoir session of Subtle Seduction Boudoir will leave you feeling sexy, confident and feeling like you need to have this experience EVERY SINGLE YEAR!